Prof. Christoph Gräni elected new board member
, de Marchi Stefano
  • Prof. Christoph Gräni was elected as a new board member by the General Assembly of Swiss Cardiac...
General Assembly of Swiss Cardiac Imaging
, de Marchi Stefano
  • All members are kindly invited to the general assembly of Swiss Cardiac Imaging.
New Domain:
, de Marchi Stefano
  • Our website can now be found under The old address ...
We tweet
, de Marchi Stefano
  • Follow us on Twitter: 
New Name: Swiss Cardiac Imaging
, de Marchi Stefano
  • Survey Results
"Swiss Cardiac Imaging" our new name?
, Simon Stämpfli
  • Survey launched for all our members
, de Marchi Stefano
  • New website and admin tool launched by the Working Group
A close collaboration of SGK/SSC and SGUM/SSUM to assure high quality POCUS in Switzerland
, Simon Stämpfli
  • Ultrasound imaging techniques are on the rise. During the last years, many medical disciplines h...
Weiterbildungsprogramm und Schwerpunkte
, de Marchi Stefano
  • Das unter Einbezug der Weiterbildungsstättenleiter komplett revidierte Weiterbildungsprogramm wurde vom SIWF-Vorstand im September 2021 gutgeheissen.
Tadoc Verhandlungen am Laufen
, Simon Köstner
  • Die Tardoc Verhandlungen gestalten sich erwartungsgemäss schwierig.
The very low risk of myocarditis and pericarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination should not discourage vaccination
, Philip Haaf
  • Position Paper of the Swiss Society of Cardiology (SSC), Working Group of Echocardiography and Cardiac Imaging of the SSC and the Swiss Society of Paediatric Cardiology